1."Broussonetia papyrifera" - BRUSONECJA

Small tree often higher shrub native to Japan and China. Blooms very effective from June to August. Flowers in very attractive colors. Fruit spherical 1.5 cm in diameter, edible with a refreshing cool taste. It requires light soil, sheltered position, a quiet, sunny exhibitions. For the first year they should be incase the winter. Early fall in the flowering stage. Plants practically unknown in Poland and worth dissemination. In his homeland, used among others for medical purposes.

1.1. cv.B.Gou Shu - red-orange flowers.

1.2. B.Kaempferi - yellow flowers.

1.3. B.Kazinoki - pink flowers.

1.4. B.Laciniata - lilac flowers.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


Bushes up to 3m in height, found in central China. Stems stiff, filcowo hairy, gray color. Bloom in the year of planting. Commonly known as butterfly bush, because at the time of flowering inflorescences are covered with various species of butterflies. Flowers smell like lilacs. They bloom from August to late autumn.All of the spring should be cut short.

2.1.B.DAWIDA c.v. BLACK KNIGHT - flowers in a beautiful dark purple color.

2.2.B.DAWIDA c.v. EMPIRE BLUE - blue flowers with orange eye.

2.3.B.DAWIDA c.v. FASCINATION - deep pink flowers, stately, long-blooming.

2.4.B.DAWIDA c.v. WHITE PROFUSION - flowers white with yellow eye, beautiful.

Price: 5 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.

3.Caryopteris x clandonensis - BARBULA

The shrub grows up to 1 m in height. Stems thin, covered with silvery bark. Leaves lanceolate, dull, gray-green, up to 6 cm and aromatic. Fragrant flowers are Barbuli an oasis for bees. They appear in the inflorescences growing out the tops of shoots and leaves on the corners of considerable length of momentum. Long, stamens protrude beyond the petals of a flower add a specific beauty. It blooms from August to early October. Exhibition in full sun, as to the indiscriminate soil, would not it was too wet.

3.1.Heavenly Blue - flowering starts as early as late August, creating long, reaching 8 cm inflorescences. It blooms for six weeks.

3.2.Kew Blue - its flowers are intensely dark than previous varieties.

3.3.Longwood Blue - forms a shrub growing to a height of 60-70 cm, sapphire-blue flowers appear in great abundance in September and October.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.

4. "Calycanthus"

Bushes up to 3 m in height. It blooms very profusely from June to late summer. Flowers with original shapes and wonderfully fragrant. Virtually all plants smell. It requires fertile soil, a fertile pH, a sunny and sheltered position.

4.1.C. chinensis - white-yellow flowers. Plants virtually unknown in Poland, and worth wider circulation.

4.2.C. floridus - red-brown flowers.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


Not very tall trees native to North America and Asia. Plants bloom before the leaves develop. Butterfly Flowers, ranges in color from pink to purple, appear virtually the entire plant. Incredibly impressive. It is interesting that the flowers and seed pods are young EDIBLE! The taste of a nice, refreshing, sour. They are rich in vitamin C. It requires light soil, moist, slightly prosperous of lime reaction pH 5.5 -8.0, solar exhibition.

5.1."C.chinensis" - beautiful pink flowers.

5.2."C.canadensis" - wonderful pink-purple flowers.

5.3."C.Siliquastrum" - beautiful pink-purple flowers.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


Not tall evergreen shrub originating in Japan. It flowers in May. Flowers gathered in bunches are beautiful, nice spicy flavor. It can grow in partial shade. It likes moist soil, slightly acidic, rich in nutrients. This is a very beautiful decorative plant. Growing a healthy and hardy. Virtually unknown in the country, and worth any money.

Price: 20 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since August.


It is one of the most beautiful and most profusely flowering spring and early summer shrubs native of China. Flowers pure white ok.5cm diameter, beautifully fragrant. Position in full sun or light shade, any soil except in the most alkaline. Fully hardy.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.

8.Ginkgo biloba L.
Dioecious tree, the leaves like a fan, autumn staining yellow, fall in winter. The plant known on earth since the Mesozoic era. Optical effect presents the most beautiful blown up by one. Medicinal plant, the leaves expand blood vessels. This raises edible fruit. Very large plants.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


Beautiful, low, evergreen shrubs for planting at home. Dark green leaves. It blooms spring-summer. Beautiful flowers, spider, large, long-lasting on the plant. Requires full sun and acidic soil permeable. Plant at the sight of everyone watching the match with her and to her delight. Plants smooth.

9.1.GREVILLEA "Buxifolia" - bright purple flowers, beautifully fragrant.

9.2.GREVILLEA "Clearview"- orange-red flowers.

9.3.GREVILLEA "Glaburata" - orange flowers.

9.4.GREVILLEA "JUNIPERIA SULPHUREA" - has a large circle of pale yellow, spiders, these flowers.

9.5.GREVILLEA "Poornda" - agent orange red flowers.

9.6.GREVILLEA "ROBUSTA" - has a range of red and pink, spiders, these flowers.

9.7.GREVILLEA "Speciosa" - is among the orange-yellow fragrant flowers.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale 2021y


Real trailers early spring, require acid soil without lime, sunny positions. There are poisonous plants.!

10.1. H. mollis - blooms from January to March, golden yellow flowers, plots outside the cup of brown violet, dark cherry inside.

10.2. H. japonica- blooms in March. Flowers yellow, purple inside the cup.

10.3. H. vernalis - shrub up to 2m in height, blooms in March, the color of yellow gold.

10.4. H. virginiana - shrub originating from North America, up to 4m in height. It blooms in autumn, flowers yellow, fragrant. Plant long-lived, beautiful autumn leaves staining.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale 2021y.

11."Hibiskus syriacus"

The beautiful plants that can be the pride of every garden through a large part of the season. A particularly valuable feature is the time and length of flowering period, accruing from VI to X. The best plant kenaf Syrian exposed places. Best sandy soil enriched with compost soil, well drained because the plant does not like wet roots. Large seedlings.

11.1. cv. "Admiral Dewey" - full of white flowers, decorative.

11.2. cv. "Ardens" - full of dark pink flowers, blooms a long time.

11.3. cv.cv "Blue Bird" - flowers single blue-maroon.

11.3. cv. "Duc de Brabant" - full of red flowers, the most beautiful variety of flowers that color.

11.4. cv. "Joanna d'Arc" - full of snow-white flowers, very original variety.

11.5. cv. "Lady Stanley" - full of white flowers - red.

11.6. cv. "Lavender Chiffon" - full of lavender flowers, variety full of charm.

11.7. cv. "Mauve Queen" - ull of bright purple flowers, a beautiful variety.

11.8. cv. "Punicues Plenus" - full amaranth flowers, blooms very long and abundant.

11.9. cv. "Queen Helene" - full of pink flowers with darker purple color stripes.

11.10. cv. "Red Heart" - flowers white with a burgundy center, floral bars long.

11.11. cv. "Russjan Violett" - Single pink flowers maroon, very beautiful and unusual color.

11.12. cv. "Violet Clair Double" - full of purple flowers with a burgundy center, a true marvel.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


12.1."Hydragea arborescens"

Originally from North America, growing to 2 m high, hemispherical inflorescences, white flowers and green during menopause, blooms from July to September.

12.2."Hydragea macrophylla"

He grows up to 1m in height, leaves large broadly oval serrated. It blooms from June to September. Flowers large, vain, spherical with diameters up to 20cm, white, red and pink. It likes moist soil, fertile, humus max.5 acidic pH, 5 It can grow in partial shade.

12.2.a. "SCHWAN" - white flowers.

12.2.b. "ESSEN" - red flowers.

12.2.c. "ROSAMUNDE" - pink flowers.

Price: 7 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since August.


Medium sized shrub with large yellow flowers and very beautiful foliage. Plants requiring little, but the long and abundant flowering. They prefer deep shadow even as to the indiscriminate soil.

13.1."H. ANDROSAEMUM" - shrub to 90cm high, after flowering fruit tied in the color red.

13.2."H. HIDCOTE" - medium-sized shrub with large yellow flowers with a diameter of 5 cm, similar to the marsh marigolds flowers, blooms from July until frost. Pretty impressive foliage. In the spring cut by 1 / 3 height and fertilizer fund. Prefers a deep shadow, as the soil unrefined, good mulching effect on him. Semi-evergreen plant.

Price: 7 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.

14.Kerria japonica "PLENIFLORA"

Shrub to 2m in height, very decorative, full of flowers of yellow mini roses, blooms from May to September. He likes calcareous soil, the position of the sun or light shade. It is a decorative shrub even in leafless state, because it is decorated with bright green stems.

Price: 5 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.

15."Koelreuteria paniculata"

A beautiful shrub, native of China, which reaches hr-6m. In his youth, has a narrow crown and loose umbrella older. Leaves to 40cm long. Flowers collected in conical panicles broad peak to even 40cm in length and 25 cm wide. It flowers in July and August. Flowers yellow, are used in Chinese medicine. Requires prosperous soil, permeable with a slight alkaline reaction. In the first years of cultivation should cover the plants for the winter. The plant readily flown by the bees.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.

Shrub growing up to 1.5 m in height. It flowers abundantly in May, the flowers pink, veined bells, very densely set on the vine. Burnishing the autumn leaves. Hardy, grows healthily.

Price: 7 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


Medium height shrubs, native from the east. They require a sunny, secluded exhibitions, as the soil they are indiscriminate, just do not like dry and alkaline soils. In the spring requires a short cut to stimulate the growth of new shoots. In the winter in the early years need coats.

17.1.LEYCESTERIA FORMOSA cv. KEATLEYI - beautiful shrub, with stems naked, bluish colored leaves to 15cm long, gray-green tinged with red, fall in winter. Large hanging inflorescences of white flowers surrounded by red wine stipules appear from mid to late autumn. In autumn the group of large, purple fruit ornamental, enhances the beauty of this attractive shrub.

Price: 8 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since August.

18.Liriodendron tulipifera

25.1."Fastigiatum" - the lowest form of this beautiful tree grows up to 4 m in height. Columnar shape, ideal for smaller gardens. It blooms from May to June. Flowers appear at the ends of twigs, yellow with orange center. Position requires sunlight, fertile soil and evenly moist. Resistant to frost. Beautiful as the leaves and the flowers. The plant readily flown by the bees. Honey red exceptionally healthy.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


Bush is a native of America. Flowers collected in circular formations, and have long white bars fit all the appearance of fluffy balls. Interesting plant because of the large seed heads up to 12cm in diameter, which looks like an orange, the fruit is inedible, but remain long on the vine. Slightly prickly shrub. It requires fertile soil, moist. Sunny and sheltered position.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since August.

20. Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews

Shrub to 2.5 m in height and the same width. Foliage season. Flowers are very decorative, and 30 cm in diameter, complete. Tree peonies bloom in May. Plants need fertile, humus-loam soils with pH 6.7 and pH of hot positions. Fully hardy. At the time of flowering is recommended to watering plants.

20.1. Coral Star - flowers full of salmon pink, with yellow stamens visible. NEW

20.2. Expectation - flowers full of salmon red, with yellow stamens visible. NEW

20.3. Lu He Hong - full of pink flowers with prominent yellow stamens.

20.4. Morning Lilac - full burgundy lilac flowers, with yellow stamens visible. NEW

20.5. Rocki - large inflorescences 20 x 7 cm. A characteristic feature is the shading at the base of the petals.

20.6. Spellbound - flowers full yellow-orange, with yellow stamens visible. NEW

20.7. Tian Ran Fu Gui - purple color. It grows strongly. Straight and strong branches. Lots of beautifully fragrant flowers.

20.8. Yng Hong- full of white flowers.

20.9. Yu Lan Piao Xiang - single flowers in the form of a lotus, but they are large, 21x6 cm in diameter. A lot of yellow stamens at the root of purple. Stiff shoots, growing very intensively. A lot of flowers, average flowering time.

Price: 20 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


He grows up to 2m in height. His greatest pride are large flowers Wed 3cm, very beautiful, strong aroma.

21.1. P.x LEMOINEI- not tall shrub to 1.5 m tall, with abundant flowers strongly fragrant, white flowers.

21.2 P. LEWISII - one of the most outstanding shrubs of medium height with America. It flowers in June and July incredibly abundant, large white flowers, with a strong smell of oranges.

Price: 8 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.

22.Prunus laurocerasus

22.1."cv. Otto Luyken" - it is the evergreen shrub, growing quite fast, has a dense crown and can grow almost anywhere. Leaves large lancetowato-oval, shiny. Flowers in clusters of white, delicately fragrant. I recommend the best variety that grows exceptionally healthy to 1.5 m in height. It is perfectly hardy.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.

23."Rhodotyphus scandens"

Shrub from the East. Similar to Kerri japonica. Flowers single, large 5cm in diameter, appear on the vine from later spring to almost the end of the year. Other aesthetic ok.8mm is black fruits in autumn. This beautiful shrub is commonly referred to as "white mallow Jewish." Requires a light permeable soils and full sun is best. Very resistant to frost.

Price: 7 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.

24."Schima wallichii" - GATAL-GATAL

Beautiful and useful evergreen plant for growing in containers. It grows up to 1.8 m, leaves large, dark green. Flowers large, white color that means yellow with lots of rods, beautifully fragrant. Creamy-green fruiting bodies, seeds are red on the plant with the flowers. Requires solar position, the soil fertile, slightly acidic, moist. The attractiveness of the plant determines the fact that it has a beautiful shape, is covered with lovely flowers, ionizes the air of positive energy and produces large amounts of oxygen. Medical use. Nature, unfortunately, not all men generously endowed penis. With this plant, this shortcoming can be completely overcome and the "little bird" in a very short time, significantly lengthen and thicken, so as to completely get rid of the complexes at this point. So that your partner always been happy and satisfied. Magnification effects are not permanent, so the "cure" should be repeated from time to time, but this is a completely natural and not harmful to health and sex life improves. Since time immemorial, this method shall Papuans and is very popular in those parts of the world and not only, you can see her great interest in other parts of the globe. The plant is long-lived and not capricious in cultivation. Cultivation as a detailed user and application to join the purchased plants.

Price: 30 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since August.

25. Sorbaria sorbifolia

An interesting shrub to 1.5 m. Inflorescences 10 - 20cm long, straight, covered with white and reddish hairs. It tolerates shade, the soil indiscriminate. Flowers are fragrant honey from afar. Completely resistant to frost in winter.

Price: 7 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


Medium sized shrub with a prismatic, green shoots. Golden-yellow flowers with a diameter of 2cm, small inflorescences, long-lasting on the vine, fragrant "acacia". Shrub blooms from mid to late summer, tolerates partial shade. Best grown in alkaline soil, responds well to cut the spring. Commonly called the broom summer. As hardy. Large seedlings.

Price: 8 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since August.

27. "Viburnum fragrans"

Shrub to 3 m in height, originating from China. Leaves to 7 cm long, slightly wrinkled along the nerves. Flowers pink, after the development of white, beautiful and very fragrant. It blooms very early, in March. Can bloom a second time in the same year in November. Completely resistant to frost, not "catch" aphid.

Price: 10 EURO / 1 seedling

On sale since spring.


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